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WCCC offers a lot more programs and services than you might think! As Warren County, Ohio’s premier career tech provider, we offer various programs and services to students and community members throughout the region.

Here are a few of the amazing services we provide to the community:

  • Career Training for both High School & Adult Students
  • Career exploration and programming beginning at middle school level
  • Regional Testing Center serving the communities testing needs
  • Free Aspire HISET (formerly GED), ESOL, and Adult Diploma programs
  • Project Search transition programs for young adults with disabilities
  • Learning Lab Preschool for local families
  • Collaboration opportunities for local business and industry partners
  • Warren County Small Business Alliance located on our Main Campus

And so much more!

Who We Are


early childhood program student playing with preschoolers


Our programs are designed to align with the needs of the local workforce. We prepare students for the most in demand career fields, such as:

  • Atrium Campus
  • Main Campus
  • Aspire (HiSET, ESOL, Adult Diploma) at OhioMeansJobs
  • WCCC Satellite Programs (WCCC @Your School)
  • Project Search: Otterbein & Government Center

Contact Us


Myths about WCCC


We hear the craziest things sometimes about career technical education (CTE), so we want to set the record straight! Here are a few facts about WCCC that may surprise you:

  • You CAN go to college after attending WCCC.
  • We offer ADULT EDUCATION programs too!
  • Students stay connected to their home school.
  • We offer high level academic courses, like CCP and AP.
  • Students receive industry certifications and college credit while attending WCCC.

Learn More About CTE


three students holding up national technical honor society banner

Adult Education

Our Adult Education programs will prepare you for the most in-demand career fields. We'll help you earn the certifications and credentials you'll need to hone your skills, advance in your field, or change careers all together. We offer full-time programs in:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  • Cybersecurity & Networking
  • Cosmetology
  • Dental Assisting
  • Electrical Power Line Mechanic
  • Fire & EMS Academy
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Medical Assistant
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Welding Technician/AWS Certified

Adult Education Programs


networking program instructor working with a student at the back of a networking panel

High School Programs

We offer full-time programs at our Atrium and Main Campuses or elective style classes in all of our partner schools through what we called satellite programs. Students have flexible options to prepare for their futures.

Career Tech offer students the chance to gain:

  • Hands-On Experience
  • Career Exploration
  • Certifications & Credentials
  • Unique Experiences
  • Project Based Learning

Full-Time Programs

Satellite Programs

High School Application Process

Up close view of hand on a computer keyboard

High school students typically apply for our programs during their sophomore year. All students must apply and be accepted to attend. Most of our programs fill up so it's important that students apply during the Dec 1 - Dec 31 Advantage window.  

  • Application window opens on November 16th.
  • Advantage window closes on Dec 31st.
  • You can complete your application process online.
  • Priority is given to student that reside in our CTPD.
  • It is NOT a first apply, first accepted system. 

Learn How to Apply

Adult Education students follow a different process for enrollment.

A student points at a part of a machine while a student and instructor look on


Do you want a great career that you enjoy?

We can help you get certified and find employment that leads into a meaningful career. Join the thousands of high school and adult WCCC students each year who benefit through earning industry certifications that are in demand in the job market and earning college credit toward a degree.


Empowering our community to make informed career choices.



Warren County Career Center has been impacting the community since 1976! That same year Microsoft was founded so that makes two new, powerful things to emerge  that year!


Advisory Members

Advisory Committees are essential to the success of WCCC and meet twice a year to enhance program decisions. We know a lot of neat people! Members include industry partners, current and former students, and parents. 



Career Technical Assurance Guides award college credit for career-technical coursework taken. CTAGS aren't offered in traditional high school programming so this makes us unique.



High school students for the 2022-23 school year at Main and Atrium Campuses have earned a significant number of credentials toward future careers. These allow our students to leave and go directly into high paying careers or pay their way through college while earning higher wages!


Advanced Coursework

We have a lot of smart cookies! This is the number of high school students taking CCP or AP courses during the 2022-23 school year.


Satellite Students

Great career tech opportunities span our county. WCCC instructors guide and teach students onsite in all of our partner districts: Franklin, Kings, Lebanon, Little Miami, Springboro, and Waynesville, plus Fenwick.


Dreams Fostered

Each and every day we change the lives of our students. This is the number of high school students and adult students who took joined the WCCC family during the 2022-23 school year. 


Graduation Rate

Our Atrium and Main Campus had a 100% high school graduation rate for the 2021-2022 AND 2022-2023 school years! We have hardworking students and supportive staff who are here to help students reach their goals. 

La'Shay Strickland

High School Criminal Justice Program

WCCC has taught me so much and I am so thankful everyday. It has helped me so much in so many ways. I will always be a part of that school! Everyone there is amazing. ðŸ’™

former criminal justice student lashay strickland in her work uniform

Robin Ondersma

Adult Education Diploma Program & Current Welding Student

I learned that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. The hardest part is believing in yourself. Everyone at the WCCC believed in me, even when I felt like I couldn’t do it.

adult ed student robin smiling in welding lab

Matthew Cox

High School Welding Program

I’m onto my senior year. All I can say is this has gotta be the best junior year ever. Can’t wait for senior year with all my brothers.

happy students outside of our campus

WCCC is the valued partner of choice within the educational and economic systems of our communities, by providing quality academic and career technical education.


We pave the way for a future of opportunities.



Dig into all that WCCC has to offer


Let us be a part of your career journey


Let's get together and make great things happen