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The Marketing and Communications Department is responsible for oversight and coordination of the district's communication efforts including community engagement, branding, marketing, advertising, publications, the district’s website and social media channels, photography and video production. Through regular contact with schools, business leaders, and local media, the department strives to maintain open communication while continuing to inform the public about our district and share the great things happening at WCCC.

Warren County Career Center is committed to transparent, responsive, two-way communication that enhances stakeholder engagement. WCCC's Communications Team works to meet this goal to increase knowledge of the district's programs and services, foster community engagement and share the stories of our school, staff, and students.


Kinds Digital Media Arts Satellite Honored by AAC

Students from the Digital Media Arts Satellite Program at Kings High School submitted a variety of work from their courses and many were honored by the Art Academy of Cincinnati as part of the Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

WCCC Students Advance to BPA State Competition

Students from Main Campus and Satellite programs will compete at the BPA State Conference in March in Columbus.

2022 Fire Science Grad Honored by City of Franklin
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Public Records Requests

As per Board Policy, all public records requests should be sent in writing to:
Cathy McMonigle, Treasurer

Coordinator of Marketing and Communications

Nick DeSanctis
513-932-5677 ext. 5291