Current Students
The Details
- Announcements & Family Communications
- Attendance Contacts
- Course Guide
- Food Service
- Grades & Assignments
- Health & Wellness
- Safety & Security
- Schedule
- Student Fees
- Student Forms
- Student Groups
- Student Handbook
- Technology Assistance
- Transportation
- Uniforms & Spiritwear
- Weather Closings/Delays
Announcements & Family Communications
Family Communications
WCCC utilizes multiple forms of communication with parents and families.
Email and text will be our primary forms of general communication to parents/families, so please provide current information when completing student forms. Automated telephone calls will be used for urgent/ timely messages (such as weather delays/closings and emergencies).
Daily Announcements
We regularly receive updates from our partner districts regarding events, activities and important dates. These announcements can be seen daily by students on their district laptop by going to their WCCC bookmarks (top left corner of their browser tab) or on the monitors in the commons/cafeteria.
These announcements are great way for students to stay connected to their home district while here at WCCC.
Family Communication At-A-Glance
- General Communication: Text & Email
- Emergency Communication: Automated Phone Call and texts (possibly email)
Any communication sent to families will also be sent to students' WCCC email, so it is important that students check their email regularly to stay informed and up-to-date. While email and texts seem most effective for our families, we encourage you to connect with us in additional ways.
If you need to add or update contact information, please send an email to:
Attendance Contacts
Course Guide
Food Service
Meal Costs
Breakfast $1.70
Lunch $3.00
À la cart items are available for an extra cost.
To get food, all students will check out using their badge or their school ID number. Students should memorize their number or keep it handy.
Payment Options
- PaySchools Account* - Put money on a student's lunch account
*Please know it takes up to 24 hours before the funds are available. If you are having issues with your account, please see the instructions below. - Cash - No change will be given. Any remaining money from the transaction will be added to the students lunch account.
- Check - Made payable to Warren County Career Center or WCCC.
- Free and Reduced Lunch - Students who typically qualify for free and reduced lunch must complete a free and reduced lunch form each year. On top of covering breakfast and lunch, this qualification may also help with school fees and/or other services. Complete the form online
To put money on a student’s lunch account go to:
Please know that it takes up to 24 hours before
the funds are available.
PaySchools Account Issues
Important Note! There have been a handful of reports of families having issues logging into their PaySchools Central account at a previous school. The issue arises when their PayForIt account email is the same as their PaySchools Central account from another school.
There are 2 easy options to correct it:
- Register for a PaySchools Central account using a different email address and all email correspondence from PaySchools Central will go to that new email account.
- Register for a PaySchools Central account using their current email address with "+1" added to the address before the @ symbol. For example: John& can be changed to John& This will send email correspondence to their regular email address.
- District Payment & Charged Meals Policy
- USDA Discrimination Statement & Complaint Procedure
- District Wellness Policy
District Payment & Charged Meals Policy
It is the responsibility of the parents to provide for lunch for their children while at school. However, it is important to provide that
children receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day. This procedure shall apply in the event that a child
neither has a lunch nor the funds to purchase a lunch.
A student's parents, teacher, and Director will all be notified of the delinquency in the student's account each time it is necessary for
the student to charge a meal to give the parents time to send a check or cash to school with their child to give to the Food Service
At the discretion of each Director, a school or private service fund may be established to pay for students’ charged meals, rather
than to offer the alternative meal. The Nutrition Services Manager will work with each Director to determine a payment schedule for
these meals.
© Neola 2017
USDA Discrimination Statement & Complaint Procedure
The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.)
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form.
You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish).
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Learn more
District Wellness Policy
As required by law, the Board of Education establishes the following wellness policy for the Warren County Career Center School District as a part of a comprehensive wellness initiative.
The Board recognizes that good nutrition and regular physical activity affect the health and well-being of the District's students. Furthermore, research suggests that there is a positive correlation between a student's health and well-being and his/her ability to learn. Moreover, schools can play an important role in the developmental process by which students establish their health and nutrition habits by providing nutritious meals and snacks through the schools' meal programs, by supporting the development of good eating habits, and by promoting increased physical activity both in and out of school.
Schools alone, however, cannot develop in students healthy behaviors and habits with regard to eating and exercise. It will be necessary for not only the staff, but also parents and the public at large to be involved in a community-wide effort to promote, support, and model such healthy behaviors and habits.
The Board sets the following goals in an effort to enable students to establish good health and nutrition habits:
- With regard to nutrition education, the District shall:
Nutrition education shall be included in the Health curriculum so that instruction is sequential and standards-based and provides students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to lead healthy lives.
- With regard to physical activity, the District shall:
- Physical Education
A sequential, comprehensive physical education program shall be provided for students in K-12 in accordance with the physical education academic content standards and benchmarks adopted by the State.
- Physical Activity
- Physical activity should not be employed as a form of discipline or punishment.
- Physical activity and movement shall be integrated, when possible, across the curricula and throughout the school day.
- Physical activity should not be employed as a form of discipline or punishment.
- Physical Education
- With regard to other school-based activities:
Free drinking water shall be available to students during designated meal times and may be available throughout the school day.
- The schools shall provide at least thirty (30) minutes daily for students to eat.
- The schools shall schedule mealtimes so there is minimum disruption by bus schedules, recess, and other special programs or events.
- The school shall provide attractive, clean environments in which the students eat.
- The schools shall provide at least thirty (30) minutes daily for students to eat.
- With regard to nutrition promotion, any foods and beverages marketed or promoted to students on the school campus, during the school day, will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
Additionally, the District shall encourage students to increase their consumption of healthful foods during the school day.
Furthermore, with the objectives of enhancing student health and well being, and reducing childhood obesity, the following guidelines are established:
- In accordance with Policy 8500, entitled Food Service, the food service program shall comply with Federal and State regulations pertaining to the selection, preparation, consumption, and disposal of food and beverages, including but not limited to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, as well as to the fiscal management of the program.
- As set forth in Policy 8531, entitled Free and Reduced Price Meals, the guidelines for reimbursable school meals are not less restrictive than the guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The sale of foods of minimal nutritional value in the food service area during the lunch period is prohibited.
- The sale of foods and beverages to students that do not meet the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards to be consumed on the school campus during the school day is prohibited.
- All food items and beverages available for sale to students for consumption on the school campus (any area of property under the jurisdiction of the school that is accessible to students during the school day) between midnight and thirty (30) minutes after the close of the regular school day shall comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, including, but not limited to, competitive foods that are available to students a la carte or as entrees in the dining area (except entree items that were offered on the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP) menu on the day of and the day after they are offered on the NSLP or SBP menu), as well as food items and beverages from vending machines, from school stores, or as fund-raisers, including those operated by student clubs and organizations, parent groups, or boosters clubs.
- All foods offered on the school campus during the school day shall comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including competitive foods that are available to students a la carte in the dining area, as classroom snacks, from vending machines.
- All food and beverages that are provided, other than through sale, on the school campus during the school day (which may include for classroom parties and at holiday celebrations) shall comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
- The food service program will provide all students affordable access to the varied and nutritious foods they need to be healthy and to learn well regardless of unpaid meal balances and without stigma.
- All foods available on campus at any time shall comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including competitive foods that are available to students a la carte in the dining area, as well as foods that are served as classroom snacks, from vending machines, for fundraisers, for classroom parties, at holiday celebrations, at concession stands, or at any school-related event.
The Board designates the Building Directors as the individual(s) charged with operational responsibility for measuring and evaluating the District's implementation and progress under this policy. The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines necessary to implement this policy.
The Superintendent shall appoint a District-wide Wellness Committee that meets at least four (4) times per year and includes parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, educational staff (including health and physical education teachers), mental health and social services staff, school health professionals, members of the public, and school administrators to oversee development, implementation, evaluation and periodic update of this policy. The Wellness Committee shall be an ad hoc committee with members recruited and appointed annually. School-level health advisory teams may assist in the planning and implementation of these Wellness initiatives.
The Wellness Committee shall be responsible for:
- assessment of the current school environment;
- review of the District's Wellness policy;
- presentation of the Wellness policy to the Board for approval;
- measurement of the implementation of the policy; and
- recommendation for the revision of the policy, is necessary.
Before the end of each school year, the Wellness Committee shall recommend to the Superintendent any revisions to the policy it deems necessary and/or appropriate. In its review, the Wellness Committee shall consider evidence-based strategies in determining its recommendations.
The Superintendent shall report annually to the Board on the Wellness Committee's progress and on its evaluation of the policy's implementation and areas for improvement, including status of compliance by individual schools and progress made in attaining the policy's goals.
The Superintendent is also responsible for informing the public, including parents, students and community members, on the content and implementation of this policy. In order to inform the public, the Superintendent shall include information in the student handbook and post the policy on the District's website, including the Wellness Committee's assessment of the policy's implementation.
The District shall assess the Wellness Policy at least once every three (3) years on the extent to which schools in the District are in compliance with the District policy, the extent to which the District policy compares to model wellness policies, and the progress made in attaining the goals of the District Wellness Policy. The assessment shall be made available to the public in the School District Annual Report to the public.
Revised 1/13/11
Revised 5/25/16
Revised 5/20/21
© Neola 2021
Summer Food Program
All children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Individuals ages 19 through 21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) through their current enrollment in educational programs also are eligible for free summer meals.
For more information call 1-866-3-
WCCC is not a Summer Food Service Provider, however for information on locations near you, the Summer Food Service Program site map is updated weekly during the summer months with all approved open and restricted open sites. Summer camps or closed enrolled sites may require a free meal application using the USDA Secretary's family-size and income standards for reduced price school meals labeled “SFSP Income Eligibility Standards.” A foster child and children who are members of households receiving SNAP, FDPIR, or TANF benefits are automatically eligible to receive free meal benefits at eligible camp and closed enrolled sites. Meals are available without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Grades & Assignments
WCCC utilizes ProgressBook for student grades. Students and families will be given a student key to register for ProgressBook within the first few weeks of school. All student forms should be complete (by August 19th) in order for this key to be generated. We encourage parents to stay invested in their students' progress by checking their grades and communicating with teachers.
On top of ProgressBook, WCCC uses Canvas to assist in delivering educational content 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Each student’s entire schedule of courses is reflected within Canvas, and all assignments can be accessed here. Students and parents can access Canvas clicking below or going to the login section on the header of this website.
- Students who enter Canvas from their Chromebooks will want to use “Canvas Staff & Student.”
- Parents/Guardians (and students) who are entering Canvas from a non-school-issued device want to choose “Canvas Parent Link.” Parents/Guardians will also get an access code for Canvas at the same time as ProgressBook.
Health & Wellness
Erica Christian BSN, RN
School Nurse/Safety Coordinator
Medication in School
If your child needs medication during school hours, including over the counter medications, the following is our school policy:
- You may come to school and give the medication to your child at the necessary time, or
- You may fill out the Administration of Medication form so the medication can be given by school personnel.
For over the counter medication, such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen, according to school policy, we need only the parent’s consent, not physician consent. (See below for OTC consent).
- For prescription medication, the parent and the physician must fill out both sections of the form, or it will not be accepted.
- If your physician feels it is necessary for your child to carry the medication for emergency use only, such as an inhaler, this must be indicated on the form.
- Prescription medications must be in a pharmacy labeled bottle, which contains instructions that match the physician’s order on how and when to give the medication.
- Prescriptions must be brought in by a parent or designated adult.
View and Print Medication Form
Or students can pick up a Medication Form in the Main Office (at Atrium or Main Campus).
Safety & Security
Students are always encouraged to speak up if they have an issue that affects their safety or educational experience.
We are always proud of our students for having the courage to come forward when they know something is wrong, or just have a gut feeling about things. Even if an issue turns out to be nothing, we are all better off when someone gives us the opportunity to investigate. We commit to also keep things as confidential as possible to protect the identity of the reporter.
There are several ways to report issues.
1. Call or Text: 844-SAFEROH
2. Report online
3. Talk to a School Official
Students are always welcome to share concerns with any district staff member.
Bell Schedule
Doors open for drivers at 7:00 am
7:40 – 10:13 |
AM Lab |
7:40 – 8:01 |
Mustang A |
8:01 – 8:42 |
1st Bell |
8:46 – 9:27 |
2nd Bell |
9:31 – 10:13 |
3rd Bell |
10:16 – 10:57 |
4th/5th Bell |
10:16 – 10:46 |
Lunch A |
10:50 – 11:31 |
5th/6th Bell |
11:01 – 11:31 |
B Lunch |
11:02 – 11:43 |
6th/7th Bell |
11:35 – 12:16 |
7th/8th Bell |
11:35 – 2:07 |
PM Lab |
11:46 – 12:16 |
C Lunch |
12:20 – 1:01 |
9th Bell |
1:05 – 1:46 |
10th Bell |
1:46 – 2:07 |
Mustang B |
Bell Schedule
Doors open for drivers at 7:15 am
7:40 – 8:10 |
Mustang |
8:10 – 10:28 |
AM Lab |
8:14 - 8:56 |
1st Bell |
9:00 – 9:42 |
2nd Bell |
9:46 – 10:28 |
3rd Bell |
10:32 – 11:02 |
A Lunch |
10:32 – 11:14 |
4th/5th Bell |
11:06 – 11:48 |
5th/6th Bell |
11:18 – 11:48 |
B Lunch |
11:52 – 2:07 |
PM Lab |
11:18 – 12:00 |
6th/7th Bell |
12:04 – 12:34 |
C Lunch |
11:52 – 12:34 |
7th/8th Bell |
12:38 – 1:20 |
9th Bell |
1:24 – 2:07 |
10th Bell |
Including 2-Hour Delay and Early Dismissal
Student Fees
We strive to provide a high quality education for our students through hands-on experiences and opportunities that will prepare them for the next stages of their lives. Sometimes our programs require an added cost for our families and are added into student fees.
Each year we take a very careful look at each program's required fees with a goal of keeping them as low as possible. We look for alternative, cost-efficient options and only include those vital for learning. We also know that sometimes these fees are a barrier for our students and families and can provide a hardship at home. With that in mind, we do our best to work with all students and families on their needs.
We have a few options to help families with their fee costs:
Waiving or Reducing Fees
- If your family qualifies for free lunch, your student fees are waived.
- Students on reduced lunch have their fees reduced by 50%.
Complete the free and reduced lunch forms on PaySchools Central.
You will need to create an account if you don't have one yet.
Payment Plans
You don’t have to pay the total amount at once. You are able to make payments through your online account or send in monthly payments by check.
Early Pay Discounts
WCCC offers a 10% discount for those who pay in full by the end of the first grading period.
The WCCC Education Foundation offers fee scholarships for our students. These scholarships are typically paid in April or May. Students should speak to their WCCC Counselor to get details and applications.
With all that in mind, we want all families to be able to plan for upcoming needs, so we typically send out fee invoices in September.
View every program's student fees and a breakdown of what your student will receive through that cost.
How to Pay Fees
Student should bring cash or check to the Main Office or pay online through PaySchools Central
Note! There have been a handful of reports of families having issues logging into their PaySchools Central account at a previous school. The issue arises when their PayForIt account email is the same as their PaySchools Central account from another school. There are 2 easy options to correct it:
- Register for a PaySchools Central account using a different email address and all email correspondence from PaySchools Central will go to that new email account.
- Register for a PaySchools Central account using their current email address with "+1" added to the address before the @ symbol. For example: John& can be changed to John& This will send email correspondence to their regular email address.
Student Forms
Online Portal for Completing Forms
WCCC utilizes an online parent portal called OneVIew Rapid Registration for our district’s annual student forms. They include a Student Health Form, Emergency Contacts, Free & Reduced Lunch and Parking Permit Applications.You will need your WCCC student ID to complete these forms. This ID number was recently sent to you in a mailed letter. This ID is also the number you use for your lunch account here at WCCC. If you don't have your ID, complete this ID request form.
OneView Instructions
Additional help from OneView can be found here.
For questions, contact:
Student Groups
Student Handbook
Technology Assistance
Technology Help
Technology help is available to all students Monday-Friday, 7 am - 3:30 pm for help with:
- Basic Chromebook repair
- Temporary/loaner Chromebooks
- Temporary/loaner chargers
- Gmail password assistance
- Atrium Campus: Tech Help Desk is located near the Dental lab.
- Main Campus: Tech Help Desk is located at the end of Wildcat Drive near Digital Media.
Like a typical high school, you can drive, ride with a friend, get dropped off by a family member, or ride the bus.
Select your option below for more details.
Bus Riders
Our partner school districts provide transportation to and from WCCC. Even on days where your home district doesn't have school (such as spring break) but WCCC does, your district will provide bus service. However, you should always check with them for updates or slight changes on those days.
Because your home district provides the bus service you should contact them directly with any bus related questions.
Local District Transportation Contacts
- Lebanon: 513.934.5838 Lebanon Transportation Page
- Springboro: 937.748.4462 Springboro Transportation Page
- Franklin: 937.743.8670 Franklin Transportation Page
- Little Miami: 513.899.2941 Little Miami Transportation Page
- Waynesville: 513-897-8511 Waynesville Transportation Page
- Kings: 513.398.8050 (ext. 10024) Kings Transportation Page
- Carlisle: 937.746.0710 Carlisle Transportation Page
- Mason: 513.398.6682 Mason Transportation Page
- Middletown: 513.420.4568 Middletown Transportation Page
Drivers/Parking Pass
Students can drive and park at both Atrium and Main Campus, but all students must have a parking pass.
Students can purchase a parking pass at Schedule Pick-Up Day or the first few days of school (or throughout the school year as needed/available). Seniors will be given the first opportunity since there are limited parking spaces available. As the year goes on more spaces may become available as students go out on work placement.
To apply for a permit, make sure to fill out the parking form on OneView when completing your student’s paperwork. All student forms must be complete to get a parking pass. Link to forms
To purchase a parking pass, please have all of the following items complete and submitted:
- emergency medical form
- parking pass form completed (Make sure you save and submit.)
- Driver’s License
- Proof of Insurance
- Vehicle Registration
- $10 Fee
The parking permit tag must be visible (on the mirror or dashboard) of your vehicle at all times. You must park in your assigned spot every day; spots are determined randomly when purchased.
No student is to park in the assigned staff, visitors' parking area, or behind the building. No student should park in the assigned faculty or visitors’ parking area. Students who do not comply with driving/parking regulations will be subject to disciplinary action.
Uniforms & Spiritwear
Atrium Campus
We will give all uniform details to students during the first few days of school.
Main Campus
Like all schools, WCCC has a dress code. Ours requires students to wear uniforms based on their Career Tech Program. Students should order using the link below as soon as possible. There is no cost to you at this time as all items are included in the student fees that will be sent out in the fall.
Some programs may require a few things besides the standard uniform, such as hard-toe boots. Lab instructors will let you know what is needed.
Please note that Criminal Justice, Cyber Technology, Fire Science, and Graphic Arts students should contact their instructor to order uniforms instead of using the site below. Click on your program name to get started!
Ordering instructions can be found here.
It's okay if you don't have your uniforms the first few days of school. Don’t stress about it. Wear comfortable clothes that seem appropriate for your lab space. Jeans, a t-shirt, and closed-toe shoes will do for most labs!
Looking to show your school spirit?
Weather Closings/Delays
WCCC is unique because we have students from all over the county, which makes decisions regarding weather issues even more challenging. While one community may have heavy snow, another area could be perfectly clear. We collaborate with all of our partner districts when deciding how to react to inclement weather, therefore, our decision may be a bit delayed compared to home districts.
It is important to remember that when it comes to weather-related issues, students always follow their homeschool FIRST.
If your home district is:
- Delayed - Students should arrive at their WCCC campus at the delayed start time determined by their district (one hour, 90 minutes, or two hours later). Home districts WILL still provide transportation to WCCC when they are delayed; contact them directly with any specific time questions.
- Closed - Students do not come to WCCC; absences will be excused. Bus transportation will not be provided.
If Warren County Career Center is:
- Delayed - Drivers should arrive at their WCCC campus at the delayed start time. This allows us to ensure our parking lot is clear and ready for students and staff.
- If WCCC is delayed and the student's home school is not, drivers should wait until the delayed start. Bus riders may still come at the normal start time; our doors will be open. Students will gather in the commons until the delayed start time so that we can supervise them until the start of school. Attendance will not be taken until the delayed start time.
- Closed - Students do not come to WCCC.
We will notify students and staff of weather delays and closings as quickly as possible.
If you are not getting our notifications or need to update your contact information, please reach out to us at
Are you on job placement?
If we’re on delay, a parent/guardian needs to call and notify us by 9 am if students are going straight to work. If no notification is made, students will be counted absent.
Attendance Contacts:
Main Campus
Wendy Kropp
513.932.5677 Ext. 5278
Email Wendy
Explore What WCCC Has to Offer
Frequently Visited Links
Additional Questions?
If you still have questions or ever have concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your campus director!