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Why Career Tech Works

Career Technical Education in High School

As an Ohio high school student, you have an incredible opportunity to enroll in a career technical education program that prepares you for the future. This program not only leads directly to employment but also gives you a head start on your college/post-secondary education. With Career Technical Education (CTE), you can acquire academic and workforce skills that will help you achieve your dreams and succeed in your future career.

What is CTE?

We like to think of it as that happy place where technical skills meet hands-on learning.

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the opportunity to learn technical skills that they can use in the workforce to earn competitive wages, pay for college, or pursue other goals. In our world, there is no one formula to success, but rather a flow of ever-changing opportunities. The choice is yours to take.

Visit Ohio ACTE to Learn More 


Our Main Campus and Atrium locations offer a variety of high school programs to spark students’ interests and prepare them for future careers. We like to say there’s truly something for everyone.


Career Technical Assurance Guides award college credit for career-technical coursework taken. CTAGS aren’t offered in traditional high school programming so we think that makes us a little special.

Satellite Students

Great career tech opportunities span our county. WCCC instructors guide and teach students onsite in all of our partner districts: Franklin, Kings, Lebanon, Little Miami, Springboro, and Waynesville, plus Fenwick.

Credentials Earned in 2022-23

Each year, WCCC high school students earn a significant number of credentials toward future careers. These credentials allow our students to go directly into high paying careers or pay their way through college while earning higher wages!

Scholarships Offered

Each year, WCCC seniors are eligible for the Sinclair Tech Prep Scholarship. For the Class of 2023, their scholarships totaled well over a million dollars - that’s a lot of moolah!

Graduation Rate

The WCCC High School Class of 2022 successfully completed all graduation requirements! Amazing, right? We’re not surprised - our students are THE best.

Advantages of CTE

It's common for parents and guardians of high-school students to believe that vocational programs are only for those who don't plan to attend college. However, this is far from the truth.

Today's career-technical education programs require students to meet the same high academic standards as other students, while also providing hands-on training in fields such as engineering, healthcare, computer graphics, auto technology, and culinary arts. At WCCC, students have the opportunity to explore and enroll in 20 different career fields. It's inspiring to know that over 60% of our graduates go on to college, proving that vocational programs are not a limitation, but rather a stepping stone towards a successful career and a bright future.

Stay connected to your home school.

  • You can choose to participate in both WCCC's and your home school's graduation, prom, homecoming, and more.
  • If you're an athlete, you can still be an athlete for your home school.

Receive the support you need to succeed.

  • If you’re on an IEP or have a 504 plan, we have an intervention staff here that will support all of your needs!
  • WCCC is a public school, so there is no tuition to attend. There are only student fees for supplies and uniforms.
  • We offer hands-on learning experiences in state-of-the-art labs and tools that are used in your program's fields.

Attend college or enter a high-paying career after attending WCCC.

  • We offer college-level academic courses, like College Credit Plus and, Honors, and AP courses.
  • Each year, students are eligible for industry certifications, college credits, and scholarships to help them after graduation.