New Satellite Programs Aims to Build
As our home schools continue to grow, so do the Warren County Career Center offerings there. New for the 2024-25 school year is a Construction Trades satellite program at Franklin High School. Developed jointly with the Franklin High School and Warren County Career Center administrations, this program aims to fill a need in the Franklin community and help prepare students for life after high school. Dustin Baynes is excited to launch the program and is making the transition into education after a career as a project manager for construction companies. “I am most excited to expose kids to many different rewarding career paths that you can take within construction and carpentry field,” he said. “I know that this program will give students who have a passion for working with their hands a pathway to finding positive, fulfilling careers. ”The program will open doors to various career fields in construction and what it will take to thrive in those environments. Baynes is excited for the chance to build a program, after years of building other things. “I know that this program will give students who have a passion for working with their hands a pathway to finding positive, fulfilling careers. I believe this program will allow students to make a positive impact in Franklin not only while in high school but immediately when they graduate as well.”